Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wanting Pretty

I'll be the first to admit it. I will. I want a pretty husband. I don't want a pretty husband without substance or virtues, but damn it all, Folks, I want my husband to be pretty.

I don't consider myself a shallow woman. My wants for beauty in the oppostie sex do not reflect a dysfunctional value system. It bluntly reflects my need for a healthy sex life. Now, here it is, Reader, the moral hidden beneath my misleading ways: I want a man who is pretty...in my eyes.

Obvious, right? We All want that. But you know what's interesting? So many people settle for less. I'm not saying people settle for ugly people... No. I'm saying that some people would rather be in a relationship with someone they're only sort of attracted to opposed to being alone or waiting for someone they're truly attracted to.

Sex without passion is a strange phenomenon to me. I could understand that lifestyle if we were living in the 19th century when women were forced to marry their rich cousins, old, young, ugly or uglier (not to mention the creepy blood relation...), but now? Now women have the choice to marry for love, and still, STILL some settle too soon, or feel that marriage is just something you do after college, or... one of the other millions of reasons people marry people they're only half attracted to.

I guess I don't quite get it, Reader. Am I really that shallow for wanting pretty? I honestly couldn't throw myself full-heartedly at a man who, in my own eyes, turned me off by the sight of him (no matter how nice he is as a person).

Please do not misread me, Reader. You must, it is vital that you must, understand that I am ultimately speaking of true love. Loving someone infinitely turns every part of your senses on to the deepest, most passionate desires. And that is all I want. I want a pretty man to love for all the days of my life.


Anonymous said...

I have to say that I would agree with you completely, to settle for someone out of loneliness and fear is not the right answer. Been there done that before and I cant bring myself to say I regret it because its part of who I am now.

For the past years I have been trying to figure out who that is and how to become the person I want to be, only when I find the answers to all that can I think about seeing true love as you your describing.

Best of wishes to you. Head up and eyes open, the rest will just happen.

jcdawn said...

Who wrote this? I am quite curious....