Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Breeding the Non-Sexist, Respectable Man

I have carefully reviewed my observations (twenty some years of research), and have come to the conclusion that the absolute non-sexist, respectable man is so incredibly rare that we ought to start picketing for the survival of their extinction.
But here's the funny thing:
they're not really on the verge of extinction, but rather on the rise of coming into existence. It's not like there used to be millions of non-sexist,respectable men in the country and now they're dying out due to an alarming growth rate of manhood aliances and wars. No. They're actually beginning to emerge, and I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, with the power of the written word I might be able to assist the reproduction.

I'm not quite sure who to address, to be perfectly honest. The men, or the women? Who shall I call to rise? Many of you reading this will find it ridiculous that I'm even considering any kind of "ralley" at all. Believe me, a few years ago, and all growing up, I never thought that my future would still have women having to demand respect. But it does. And I've finally decided to actually do something about it.

Growing up with three brothers I learned a few basic things that they themselves have told me point blank about men. 1)Men only think with their penis. 2)A man will say anything he needs to, to get a girl, so never believe a thing he says. 3)Men think about sex 24/7.

I know my brothers were only trying to protect me, but that's where my confusion came in. I mean, if this was all true then why the hell are women even attracted to men at all? I'm sorry, but if all men's brains are in their pants... it sort of makes them out to be monkeys. Right? And if he never tells a woman the truth...well, why would I want to pro-create with a liar? And if sex is all they think about 24/7, well, that just stirs up some sypathy, right? Poor guys! Thinking about it all the time! How cruel!

Something isn't adding up.

Expectations. If you expect a monkey, then what more can you ask for? If he only thinks with his penis, well, then a woman needs to just deal with that. If you expect him to always lie, well, then a woman needs to just always be on her guard. She's been warned. If he thinks about sex 24/7, well, then, his needs suddenly become more important to fulfill than ours. This is the way men are. "Don't expect anything more out of us."

I'm fully aware that my brothers were only trying to keep me from having fairy tale like ideas about men, but instead it made me realize that this is what most men want us to think of them so that we don't expect anything more from them. I'm sorry, Ladies, but even if it means me being unmarried till the end of time, I'm waiting for that prince I deserve. I'm not expecting perfection. I'm not expecting literal royalty (let's just be clear about things for those who like to misconstrue words...). But I am going to be raising that bar a few notches higher than "brain-in-the-pants". I am going to be expecting the truth. I am going to be expecting that my own needs get met, too.

I’ve addressed it a few times in my life, but have never really, really realized how openly I've had to battle sexism. Looking back, I remember all the times in my life that I was regarded as “silly” or "emotionally unstable" or told that I was "overreacting" when I was doing nothing more than sticking up for myself. Or, how about the times when my ideas were always ignored until a man (after long, unnecessary debate) had the same idea (stealing it from me), and suddenly POOF! My (stolen) idea was magically heard, and then used. Or how I’ve had to work double hard to get the respect I deserve for my cleverness, my creativeness, my comedy. Sexism was everywhere as it was for all of us. It was at school when our sixth grade teacher blatantly stated that men are smarter than women, and the entire class of boys whooped and hollered leaving us girls completely enraged and helpless and humiliated. It was at the park with the building of the forts when the boys stole our tools, we retaliated, and then they sought revenge on our retaliation, and started our infamous war. The worst part about that, the topper on it all, was that the boys went and retold their story to another girl in the neighborhood, manipulated her into thinking they were the victims, and got her to help ran sack our fort. All because they stole our tools to begin with, and we stood up for ourselves.

how about when I did something wrong, made a mistake, and it was instantly blamed on my gender instead of my humanness.

Here's an example I'd like to lead into and use: Years ago, I took my friend and her boyfriend to a tattoo and piercing parlor. I had just met the boyfriend, for one, and he had the audacity to ask to borrow money from me for the piercing (of his nipple...). For my friend's sake, I did. I lent it to him. But when we pulled into the parking lot, he was having second thoughts. So, being distracting from his concerns, I never put the car into Park. He finally made his decision to do it, so I turned off the car. I couldn't get the keys out of the ignition because it was still in Drive. None of us could figure out what was wrong (including him, mind you). When I finally figured out what the problem was, we all laughed about it until he had to ruin the moment with: "That's why women shouldn't drive." OH YEAH. HE DID. (And for those men who are reading this and are in denial, no he wasn't joking) I went into my usual rant, of course, told him what I thought of him, made a point or two about him being a coward about the piercing, and how any human being in the world could've made the same mistake I just made, and if he ever says something that sexist again it'll be the last thing that ever comes out of his mouth. He was scared of me from that point on, and for the three years she dated him, he never said anything sexist again.

And there it is. Who do I address? The men or the women? Strange things happen when we stick up for ourselves, Ladies. There's absolutely no reason at all that any of us should accept this sort of bullying just because "guys will be guys". "They only think with their penises, what else should we expect?" Um, we should expect a hell of lot more. But some situations are a little more subtle, and harder to address. There's plenty of nice guys out there who treat women with a decent amount of respect, but can't come to terms with the fact that being nice has nothing to do with sexism.

Stupid little things, right? What about all the really nice guys who couldn't find it in their egos to laugh at my jokes? What about how one my guy friends thought he was being chivalrous by letting me know he let me win a game of chess? What about when I was on the church softball team and I was out in the outfield, and a super easy-peasy grounder came rolling at me and as I swooped down to scoop it, my own team mate came running in front me and snatched it up? I gave him a look that could kill, but that was about all I could do… Or was it? Sure I made my friend's boyfriend want to wet himself, but that case was easy. The harder part is getting the less blatent stuff confronted.

Most of my life I’ve done nothing but grit my teeth and allow this fury to build up and flash out at the most inconvenient times. And then what? Well, that just makes us women look emotionally unstable, right? I must be on my period, right? No. NO. There’s more that can be done than just an angry look, or a clenched fist. I was given a gift of voice, of words, and a defiance to be told that I am less of anything. And any respectable man or woman who agrees with me, should follow my lead.

So. How do we, as a society, breed the non-sexist, respectable man? Women: you need to expect more, and not be afraid to demand it. Men: try not to be defensive when a woman speaks out agaist sexism or demands to be respected. Please, open your mind at least a little to the possibility that you just might, just maybe, truly see yourself as a higher being, and us as lessers. That's about all I can really say. It's up to a man to actually want to not be sexist, and so few do because it means they have to give up so many of their priveledges. So few do because women are often used as bonding tools between men, and the minute they have to regard a woman as a human being instead of "getting some tail", then they've lost the respect of their caveman buddies. If you need an incentive, men, try racing your fellow mankind out of the next stage of evolution. Because I truly believe that a non-sexist, respectable man is far more evolved than all the other men, and in turn is far more desirable. The trick is, to get women to stop settling for the cavemen. Men would be quicker to try harder if they knew they'd loose out on us. My mission may seem impossible, no doubt, but that's not going to stop me from trying.


Ryan said...

There are so many people out there who settle for a significant other. Men and women alike. I agree with you to wait until you find someone that you actually want...the perfect person may not exist but the issue is if they are perfect for you. But then you can't really ask other women to stop "settling" if that is what they want to do. If they are happy enough with their decision..who am I to say it is wrong.

But as far as the evolution part's getting there. People don't like to think so but we are litterally barely out of caves. A perfect example of this is sexual dimorphism. There really isn't male male competition any more yet there is a gender size difference. The only reason (in any species) there is a size difference between genders is due to males having to physically compete for females. When there is no competition between males (and monogomy)we find no size difference between genders. A perfect example of this is Gibbons one of our Ape cousins. Gibbons mate for life and they do not physically fight for mates...there is no size difference between females and males, they look exactly alike.

Since there really is not any more physical confrontation for females...we are becoming more physically alike. In either instance you are asking for 1) women demanding more repsect and being "equal" to men or 2) men being less sexist and more monogomous...the end result is genders that do not look any different. It is a pysical manefestation of a reaction to all factors in an environment.

But as you know things are not this way...women are attracted to big guys and guys like petite women. Many women enjoy the fact that when they have a flat tire they can call their boyfriend away from work to come and change it. Lots of guys do not want a women who is as strong as them (physically especially...sometimes mentally). Really the size part goes both ways..most girls are not attracted to a guy who is smaller then them(or weaker).

There is no "more correct" or "more evolved" way. If a non-sexist, truley equal society was actually and women would have no physical differences. Maybe that is the future of humanity, but I think if it does happen it wont be for a long long long long time(certainly not in ours or our childrens childrens lifetimes).

I do like how you address men and women. They both need to change their actions and expectations if what you are asking for is going to happen. I think the best thing for anyone to do is find a place where people who think along the same lines as they do cohabitate and hang out there. At this point that is all anyone can do imho.

Ryan....again...sorry said...

Sorry..been thinking more about this.

Also...sometimes when I read your stuff it sounds like you are saying men are born it is a genetic trait. I'm sure that is not what you are trying to say. While that might be the case in some are reacting to situations based off of prior experiences just like everyone else. How do you know that the man who let you win at chess got in trouble for not letting another girl win at something?

Case in point: A grappling tourny not far from here. There was only one girl in a grappling division and she wanted to grapple. So she entered the mens division. There are weight classes so there is no wieght difference...both people were 145lbs. In the match she took the guy down and proceded to attempt a sumbision...the guy fought out of it using vicious...but perfectly legal...techniques. Techniques that against a man would have been acceptable. The man eventually won....the woman cried and said he went to hard, the other people at the tourney were instantly mad at him. In the months after the tourney He was eventually shuned out of the gym he was at.

So when that man lets you win....can you blame him? Is it his fault that he is "sexist".

When I was in middle school I hit a girl because she hit me first. In my mind, a person hit me, I am going to hit that person. I was promply tortured for weeks afterward and beat up by other guys and made fun of by the girls. Why? Because: "you don't hit girls". That was my first expereince with any difference between the sexes. From that point forward, whether I actually thought so or not...I was supposed to act as if girls deserved some sort of special treatment. Guys demanded it...girls expected it.

These situations are small examples on how experiences will shape the mans outlook and actions. So when a man does something that you think is sexist...instead of thinking "what a douchebag" You should probably think "well...he probably has had an experience with a woman who expected and wanted his "sexist" behavior."

jcdawn said...

I loved your second response way better than your first. Your second response was more personal and passionate, which is what I'm trying to get from any kind of audience, especially my friends. :)

The friend that let me win at chess (who was NOT you, just in case you were thinking that) was patronizing. He was proud of himself, thought himself chivelrous. Heh. I should put friend in ""'s. He was some neighbor dude who lived upstairs in my apartment building in Philly...he WAAS a douchbag, I promise.

OH! And to answer how you started: no, I do not believe men are BORN sexist. I apologize if I've come off that way. I completely, utterly believe sexism is brought into being by our society, our environment, our home life. Men who are surrounded by sisters are very, very different toward women than men who are surrounded by brothers (that was just a general, quick example...).

That whole incodent with the fighting match? I want to knock that girl's teeth out for making us look bad... I'm sure she has a better chance of knocking out MY teeth, but...heh... ANYWAY. That story pissed me off. If you're going to step into the ring with a man (literally or metaphorically) and want to be treated equally, then you don't go crying when you loose. And you don't go expecting special treatment. Grrrrrr!

Again, your middle school example was a good one of how our society trains us up in this sort of dysfunctional moral system. Should you hit girls? I'm sort of against it, sure. But there's a huge difference in a husband beating his wife with a baseball bat, and some stupid girl in grade school hitting a boy and he hits back. Me and Tiff used to fight boys in the neighborhood when we were little, and they hit back, and we didn't go crying to anybody. We just hit back harder. Heh...

I want to make it clear what I'm expecting from men: my needs are just as important as his. Gender roles are sometimes important, the natural ones (I don't expect him to breast feed...), but I also want a sense of equality. I, can be just as smart as he is. I, can turn a wrench just as easily. I, can drive just as well. Et cetera. Believe you me, especially in this small town, sexism is a bit of an old fashioned issue here. I see it A LOT.

jcdawn said...

Oh, and about the whole physical thing: I for sure, yes, don't want a guy who's smaller than me...I'm 4'11", and that would just be weird. But I am NOT attracted to big guys. Not all women are. In fact, too big turns me off entirely. And not all men like little ladies. There's been times, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I have envied, and desired, that 5'10" type with all the legs and swagger. Oh yeah. Height on a woman isn't bad. And no, no, no: I do not EVER want men and women to look exactly alike. That's not the equality I'm going for here. I'm not opposed entirely to "gender roles" as we call them. What I'm trying to get across is: men will automatically assume they're better at something simply because they're men. Typically, they try to dominate us. THAT is what I don't like. Sure, men and women each have their special talents to offer to balance each other out, but no one is of more value than the other, or smarter than the other, just because he's born a MAN. THAT, is sexism. Just like white racists who think they're automatically better and smarter than black people. It's assynine.

Now. About women deserving respect. That's a whole other topic, and a tricky one too...I'll write about that one next...

OH! And yeah. About women settling for less. NO, it does NOT make them happy. I've got more of the inside scoop on that one, let me tell you. I have met so, so, so many women in my life who deserve better than what they settled for, AND they know it, AND they complain about it, AND they're miserable. Now, I have plenty of friends who are happily married, I should just throw that out there, but there's been enough women I've met either directly or indirectly who have been completely burned down by the men they married. I'm not saying all women are innocent, but there's a lot of douchbags out there, Dude. A LOT.

And yes, I wanted to address both sexes because I blame a lot of women (like the boxer you told me about) who make this sort of thing all the more difficult. I'm certainly not ever expecting a perfect society, human beings are too driven by free will and stupidity. But I would like to make it a less sexist world for my daughters, should I have any. Or for all the children I work with. I do my best to teach the boys to not use phrases like, "you did pretty good, for a girl" or "he's crying like a girl!" et cetera. Stupid little things like that are so socially accepted, yet shouldn't be. I just want some certain things to change.

ryan said...

Well the first post was just me saying that because of the lack of male male competition, women and men will inexorabley start looking like one another until eventually we look the same. Unless guys start kicking the shit out of each other again for will happen. I was trying to let you know you will get your wish eventually. True equality in every way.

And as far as people settling but aren't really happy...I just don't buy it. You remain because you want to remain. Only in some situations are people actually "trapped", and I cerainly feel for them. But usually the woman (or man) is choosing to stay because they want to...there is no other explination.

I think also one of the main things we are discussing is a very chicken and the egg thing. 1)Do girls act a certain way and guys react to it. Or 2)do Guys reinforce the behavior by saying things like " you cry like a girl" or you "hit like a girl". Other girls hear this and are acting that way because of a social desire to fit in. Maybe as a child/adolecent this is true. But I don't believe it for adults...I think eventually you act the way you want to. Like homosexuals.

It is purley my opinion that girls act a certain way...and the guys are just reacting to that. [even in the instance where you have the dad teaching his boy that girls are certain ways...if it weren't true it would be proven to him quickly over time, and he would reject the santa clause (lord knows he would have to change his thinking if he wanted a girlfriend)]

The "sexist" guys opinion is initiated by family/friends but is reinforced by girls like girls. The opinion Can certianly be changed...but only to a certain extent.

If one women "proves" to him that women aren't always the way he is assuming. And she does this without a shadow of a doubt to him...there are still SO MANY other examples of women that show that his opinion is completely correct.

The man then holds the opinion that either "All girls are like that...except Jessie(or whoever)" OR worse yet he now holds the opinion that ALL women can be like that women but they choose to be crying whining weak dependant money-grubbing Pieces o crap.

Which is way least before the man just thought that women were "like that" but now they believe that women are trying to use him and other people by calling on the fact that she is a "girl" to have an easier life.

Side note distraction: My chihuahua is sleeping/snoring in my girlfriends shirt while she is napping is adorable.

....what was I saying?
Ok...think about this

In 1906(i'm sure in actuality earlier than this) women were starting to demand the basic equal rights that were due to them. Like the right to vote. The movement was called women's sufferage as I am sure you know.

But what you may not know is that there was numerous anti-sufferage campains not ran by men. But woman. There were whole womens organizations that believed that their "rights" as they were at the time was a good thing. So much so that they were willing to protest and lobby against women who wanted the right to vote.

These days you'd be hardpressed to find a man or women who said that women shouldn't be able to vote...own land...ect. But the initial change not only had to be fought against men...but other women. If EVERY women demanded something. All men would have to allow it. Since you have an internal struggle within your will make the opinions of men that much harder to change.

Not that you should hate women...but you shouldnt blame men.
I have never met a truly sexest who regardless of evidence still thought a woman was a lesser (or weak) being. All men that I have delt with as soon as they are presented with evidence contrary to thier belief...have accepted the fact about that woman and moved on.

Another thing you should realize is that guys have tons of ego. they think they are better at everything than ANYONE. Not just girls.

Anonymous said...

You should just become a lezbo, if your not already! Your screwed up kid!!